We caught up with Brayden Sligar, new soccer superstar from TAS!

brayden sligar

What do you love about soccer?

The passion soccer brings to everyone, it’s just such an incredible sport to be a part of no matter where in the world you are. I’ve tried other sports like Cricket and Aussie Rules but never really found that passion, drive, and hunger for the sport like I have about soccer. I love working in a team environment, helping each other out, and having success with my teammates. That’s what I love about soccer.

How are you feeling at this moment having just signed with NSR?

I’m excited to be signed with NSR, for me personally this is a big achievement to get the chance to go overseas to further pursue my soccer career. It’s an overwhelming feeling, I just can’t really describe the feeling. I just can’t wait for my dream to become reality.

What are you most looking forward to about your US College adventure?

I’m looking forward to everything the US College brings but the one thing that I’m most looking forward to the quality of soccer that is played. I’ve been looking up College games online and the quality is at a high standard that I’m really keen for. Meeting new people from different cultures, having my own independence, growing as a young adult and learning more about myself to achieve the goals I have in life.

Where do you hope you are in five years’ time after this experience with NSR?

I hope to be either playing soccer overseas somewhere or back home helping people achieve a healthy lifestyle while still playing soccer. But who really knows, I’m just focusing on the now rather than the 7-10 years down the track so I can do all the right things now to help me later on in life.

Wow, we love this focus and determination, Brayden!