We caught up with our amazing new hockey signing, Samantha McNally (ACT) to find out how she’s feeling at this very exciting time!

Samantha McNally - Action shot 1

Why are you excited to start your NSR experience?


I am excited to start my NSR experience because it has always been a dream of mine to travel overseas with the idea of studying at an American College, now getting to combine that with my sport is such an incredible opportunity.


What do you hope to gain out of it?


Throughout this NSR experience I want to further my opportunities as a female hockey player, gaining a new and different understanding of hockey, whilst making new friends from all around the world.


What excites you about living in America?


I am so excited to be travelling overseas for the first time. While living and studying in the US I hope to travel around in the holidays ticking things off my bucket list like a Broadway show. Sporting wise I am excited about playing hockey in a completely new environment and travelling to games each week with my team.


What will you be studying?


I would love to study something in Performing Arts or personal training but I am still undecided about what I want to do when I finish college.

We are so excited to have you on the team, Sam!