Have you ever been worried that getting a US degree won’t be much help to you back home in Australia? We’re going to help you put those fears to rest! We caught up with a good friend of ours, Amanda – Rose Turner, who shares how she easily transferred her US degree into an Australian one!

amanda rose turner

Amanda-Rose graduated a while ago from Washington State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication, and used that degree to teach abroad.

After deciding to undergo a Master’s Degree at Monash University in Melbourne, Amanda found the process of transferring her US degree an incredibly easy one.

“I transferred that degree to here in Australia, in order to undergo a Master’s course. That just transferred easily. I used all my bachelor degree credits there to get into the program here,” she explained.

“There really was no problems because it was the full degree, and I just got my transcripts mailed over, straight to the university, and I heard back really quickly. I don’t even think they needed to look at each of the credits. I think just what mattered is that I had a Bachelor of Arts, and the whole thing transfers over.”

The American-native admitted that she hasn’t heard of the transferring of degrees between the U.S and Australia being fraught with many problems.

“It’s fairly easy. All the courses transfer over pretty well,” she said.

“I can’t think of any cases that I’ve heard of where people have trouble getting certain jobs. It’s usually just a case of American’s finding a certain visa over here, rather than an education problem,” she admitted.

Phew! We’re so glad to hear your insight, Amanda-Rose!