We caught up with our soccer superstar from SA, Jadeen Chisolm, before she headed off to North Country Community College, N.Y!

jadeen chilsolm

When did you start playing soccer/why do you love it so much?

I started playing soccer about 7 years ago now, but I used to join in my mums training session when I was little and she played soccer. I love playing as a team, it’s a lot better then playing a one man team sport.

What’s your ultimate career goal? Is it to play professionally or do you have another dream?

Honestly I would love to play professionally, getting to that stage is a lot of work which I’m willing to do! But when I finish my course that I’ll be studying I’d hope to probably become an outdoor education teacher.

What are you looking forward to about North Country?

Well, being in contact with the girls I’ll be playing on a team with, and getting to know them more makes me really want to hurry up and get there and meet them! I can’t wait to travel around playing different colleges and seeing how different they play soccer to what we do here. I’m sure it’s not the same, but I know each team has different tactics.

In five years, where do you hope you are as a result of NSR? What do you hope to gain out of this program?

I hope to finish the scholarship, get a degree in wilderness leadership programme, better my education, gain more confidence, independence, and my skills in soccer.

Wow, a degree in wilderness leadership?! How incredible!