college freshmanIn the haze of freshman year, it’s common to fall behind with the work requirements. Here at NSR, we have a few college tips that will ensure that you can balance out your education, sporting and social requirements.

  1. Collate– Pull together all of your due dates and floating papers that you were given during orientation week and arm yourself with a diary. Take an hour to write down ALL semester due dates, exam times (if known), sporting dates and social events. Stay on top of this and constantly update your diary to reflect the true due dates throughout your semester. Remind yourself of upcoming due dates to ensure preparation and set yourself up for success!
  2. Organise and control– Allocate your time wisely, plan out your week with realistic expectations. Setting weekly goals gives you the flexibility to obtain your goals, but reduces the stress if goals are not achieved for one day. Make a study plan- block out class times and allocate times/days that you will study. Ensure that you mix up your study, sport and social requirements.

Remember: These is no such thing as not enough hours in the day, just not enough time management

  1. Plan out your day– Yes, it seems similar to number two but it is essential to create goals and objectives to ensure that you stay in task throughout the semester and beyond. Find the least desirable tasks of the week and finish them early in the week while your will power is strong. Finish the week with less strenuous tasks or tasks that you enjoy doing.
  1. Learn from your mistakes- No one gets their study pattern correct the first time. Nor do they factor in all of the external elements that influence time management on a weekly basis. Learn to work around these hurdles and accommodate for them. Change up your study habits until you find your rhythm. Learn and evolve as a student.