IMG_0952Golfing prospect, Tom Holmes heads to NYACK College in New York, this August to pursue his love for golf in addition to studying a math degree at college with the hopes in going on to study engineering.

Tom’s love for golf began during 2009 where he began to partake in the sport, playing mainly at Mildura Golf Club. Since playing competitively, Tom has joined his friend and fellow NSR prospect Dom Vartuli at Red Cliff Golf Club for a number of practice rounds leading up to their departure this year.

Having an array of sporting interests is essential to expand on one’s primary skill sets. Tom goes onto explain how his history in hockey developed his golfing swing and hand-eye coordination whilst on the field. While Tom’s passion for golf far exceeds that of his hockey, he believes that it is important to partake in an external sport to grow secondary skill sets that will complement and strengthen his golfing game.

New York is a great place to attend college, so during the semester Tom shares the top tourist attractions that he plans to visit whilst studying/playing in the US. Time Square and Central Park are on the top of the bucket list of sights to see for Tom.

NSR Australia wishes Tom the best of luck as he ventures to the US in a month’s time to begin his college life.

wanna play college sport