ben campbellWhen did you first get involved in your sport?
I started playing golf when I was 9. I played non-structured golf (hitting balls into a paddock across the road from my house), with on old set of Macgregor golf clubs I had found in the shed. I later got a half set of PGF golf clubs that I added to the bag on my 10th birthday. Shortly after that I began playing competitive, which has led me to where I am today.

Why did you want to get involved in NSR and take your sport and study overseas?
I never thought I was going to end up going to college in the States. Even when I received an acceptance letter from NSR it took a while to sink in.

What college have you now committed to?
I will be joining College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita, California this coming fall. They just took out the State Championships in the Western State Conference this year.

What are you most excited about for your college experience?
When I’ve had the pleasure doing things that I love, such as playing golf, I’ve really enjoyed the process of learning. I’m also really intrigued by the United States culture and how developed they are compared to the rest of the world. Apparently college parties are quite the experience as well!

Is there any particular American experience you can’t wait for? Visiting a certain place, celebrating a tradition holiday, eating anything particular? 
As I said before, the American culture is intriguing to me and I can’t wait to learn about it. I’ve never had cream in my cups of coffee! I think we call it milk in Australia. I’m looking forward to visiting the Statue of Liberty one day.

How are you feeling right now, knowing your adventure is coming up so soon?
I’m feeling surprisingly relax about the whole situation at the minute. I don’t expect to be feeling that way as I leave Melbourne airport!

What do you hope to get out of this whole experience?

I’m looking forward to learning as much as I can about golf at college level, learning more about myself, and who I want to be. The most important thing for me now though, is to do the best I can with my opportunities, and just live with the results….

What great insight, Ben! We can’t wait to see you have the time of your life.