declan bakerNow a goalkeeping extraordinaire from NSW, Declan Baker has been involved in soccer since the age of five.

“I just figured it would be a bit of fun, and all my mates were playing as well,” he explained.

The young star took a liking to the game, and has been playing ever since, realising he wanted to take it to a higher level.

“I went and played in my local association team in the NSW Metropolitan League when I was 11. Then I kind of knew I wanted to do it a bit more competitively,” he revealed.

As a goalkeeper, Declan faces great pressure on the soccer field, but works hard to maintain his position.

“I’d like to think I’m consistent and reliable in what I can put out in the pitch, and do what the coach expects of me,” he shared.

Also having a passion to pursuing academic goals, Declan was drawn to the NSR program after realising it was a solution for him to pursue both his sport and study a business degree.

“I found the idea of studying overseas quite exciting… a new challenge. I figured, ‘What a great way to study – playing soccer overseas and getting an education at the same time’”, he said.

Declan shares that he’s been inspired to “knuckle down” a bit more at school in order to get stellar results, as well as working constantly to improve on his game.

The star is constantly working with his goalkeeper coach, ex-Australian World Cup goalkeeper, Jim Fraser, at the International Goalkeepers Academy in Blacktown, where he’s been an attendant for five years.

Not only does Declan coach the junior kids at the Academy, but he’s tirelessly working with his coach to develop his craft.

The two work on personal sessions, and sift through a lot of video footage, working on his mistakes and getting his package ready for NSR.

Ultimately, Declan can’t wait to get his US experience underway.

“I can’t wait to get over there and just enjoy my football and my college education,” he explained.

“Obviously I want to better myself in terms of how I play my football, but better myself over there – by getting a degree, going to a good uni over there, and having fun.”

Sounds like a plan, Declan! You’ve got this covered!