healthy foodsAmongst settling into college, staying on top of your workload and partaking in your sport, it is common to feel fatigued.

Here at NSR we have the common solution for you, that is to ensure that your daily food intake is filled with energy boosting, natural goodies!! Skip the sugary energy drinks and check out these foods that are sure to leave you with a sustainable high for the day:

  1. Spinach– filled with a wealth of iron which leave you feeling energized! Add it to a salad for lunch or put in a smoothie, this is a must have food!!
  2. Almonds and walnuts– Almonds are a rich source in protein and Walnuts are rich in omega-3. A handful of these nuts will keep you on the going when start feeling fatigued.
  3. Bananas– Rich in natural sugars and Potassium, bananas are perfect as a pre-game snack to kick start a burst of much needed energy.
  4. Oats– are a perfect breakfast food, low GI, oats give you some essential long lasting energy
  5. Beans– high in protein and a complex carb, beans are great to mix in with a salad for an energy boosting lunch. Add an egg to the salad and you’re set for an energy boosting lunch time feast!