aidan grayYoung and promising soccer superstar Aidan Gray (NSW) is busily preparing to head to the States in August, after committing to Elmira College in New York State.

“I’m not really nervous, I’m just excited. I just want to leave now, pretty much,” he explained.

“I went to visit the college in February. It was cool, I loved it,” he explained.

“When I went to visit, it was snowing. They were so amazed, because I was so amazed by the snow, because it doesn’t happen in Sydney, obviously,” he explained.

After seeing the college, Aidan felt a lot better about starting his monumental journey.

“I met people there that play soccer, so I’ll already know a few people when I go over,” he said.

Aidan explains that he’s been able to maintain contact with people at the school, easing his transition further.

“The people in the team have a group chat on an app called Groupme, so I talk to them a lot, and my coach emails me a lot which is good,” he said.

“It shows that they haven’t forgotten about me, even though I’m on the other side of the world.”

The young talent admits he’s unsure of where he wants his college education to go, therefore is greatly taking advantage of a general education course the college provides.

Ultimately, Aidan wants to further both his sporting and academic life, and hopes for his “soccer career to go somewhere”.

Aidan also wants to “grow as a person, meet new people and have good experiences”, as well as get better at soccer and get a degreeto get better at soccer and get a degree.

Sounds like a plan, Aidan! We can’t wait to see you get an amazing experience out of this.