CAULFIELD FAMILY PICScott and Jo Caulfield were never surprised when their superstar golfing son approached them with a desire to take his golf over to the US with NSR.

“He’s always been committed to the sport and dedicated to improving. He follows it religiously, on TV and all the big players. We’ve known for a long time we’re prepared to lose him to the game of golf,” his father, Scott, joked.

“This opportunity fit right in,” he said.

Scott says he has seen his son change since signing with NSR, further motivating him to succeed on the golf course, and the classroom.

“He knows it’s the whole package, and not just the golf that’s going to get him there. It’s probably made him a better student and golfer. You have to improve what you have, month by month, time by time,” he said.

“His games improved, his maturity has improved. He’s so focused on what he wants, and now that he knows it’s getting closer everyday… He wants to tick all the boxes, and it’s made him more dedicated than ever.”

The pair admit they are trying to gently prepare Matt for the journey ahead, but ultimately aren’t too worried about how Matt will find the transition.

“We are slowly preparing him for being away, and also for us as a family,” proud mother Jo, said.

“Matt is a very confident & outgoing person which is perfect for this program.”

Jo also praises the resources and posts produced by NSR, explaining that it “helps with ideas”, “which is great” for the whole family.

Scott and Jo are overwhelmingly excited for the journey Matt is about to embark on.

“We hope he gains some great life experience. Obviously not a lot of kids get a chance to do what he might be able to do, play golf in the US, in a competitive system,” Scott said.

“This is a stepping stone hopefully for his career in golf…and this is part of the resume I suppose, of getting where he wants to be. You see all the modern players these days like Jordan Spieth, they all played college golf in the US,” highlighted Scott.

Scott and Jo said they will continue to provide the best opportunities they can offer Matt, helping with his future.

“To provide him with support, that’s our job as parents to try and help him get where he wants to be,” Scott said.

Awesome insight, parents! A solid support system will help Matt to no end.