habits imageMaintaining motivation and productivity is absolutely essential to ensure a successful college experience. Habits are what drive our daily activities. Developing positive and healthy habits can be a key to success without a great level of energy. We’ve provided you with some healthy habits to kick start your college success!!

  1. Wake up with the sun-

Our bodies are designed to be in line with the rise and set of the sun. Get rid of those heavy curtains that block out that sunshine in the mornings. When our bodies are in darkess, we produce a hormone called Melatonin. Having heavy curtains can hinder our ability to wake up properly get rid of them!  Waking up earlier gives us more hours to play with in the day.

  1. Waking up to exercise-

Going for a morning run in the sun is one of the greatest tools of a productive person. It is a known fact that physical exercise releases endorphins that enhance our mood and allow us to take on the day ahead with a positive mind frame.

  1. Allocate your willpower effectively-

Yes, willpower is a very real aspect of the human mind. We are allocated a certain amount of willpower each day, which we use to motivate us to remain motivated. Willpower motivates us to concentrate in class or remain efficient at work. Think of your allocated willpower as a bank account, each choice made is a debit from the account. Minimise choices in the morning by preparing simple elements the evening before:

  • Setting out what to wear the next day
  • Preparing a ‘To do’ list- to establish goals for the next day
  • Maintaining a calendar
  1. Refuel Frequently-

Whilst undertaking study periods, it is common to struggle with motivation. Maintaining healthy glucose levels for energy is the key! Stock up on those whole grains; don’t fill up on those sugary snacks. Our brains don’t stop working when glucose runs low; it focuses on aspects that involve an immediate reward and pays less attention to long term outcomes. It is evident that in order to maintain forward focus on accomplishing academic goals, you must maintain energy levels.

  1. Be proactive-

Taking responsibility for your study and sport requirements, always developing goals to ensure personal and physical growth is important for motivation.