Dorm room organisation memeThis one’s for you athletes living over in the US and for those of you who are looking at heading over in August this year!

Have you ever been overwhelmed by the amount of ‘stuff’ you have in your dorm? Do you find it hard to move in the pokey room?

Well we have some truth for you, your room isn’t that small, you simply have too much junk! In an effort to ‘spring clean’ you must ask yourself 5 simple questions:

  1. Does every item in the room serve more than one function?

You know the grill that is supposed to toast those sandwiches that you don’t have time or space to make? That’s a perfect waste of space. Make room for it in the bin. Items that are a wise investment include a radio that charges your iPhone at the same time

  1. Do I need that?

Quantity is one of the main offenders. Are you going to use 20 highlighters or are you only going to use 5, realistically. This applies to home wear such as cups, dishes or even bedroom accessories, ‘less is more’.

  1. Does my roommate already own that?

Communication is paramount with your roommate- share items such as hair dryers, fridges or even printers. Splitting things with the roommate reduces unnecessary clutter within the room.

  1. Am I not using available space properly?

Duffel bags and suit cases for trips home should not be empty. Place duffel coats, puffy winter jackets and additional blankets in these useful spaces. Utilise these storage units to free up additional closet and room space.

  1. Why do I need to keep everything organised?

If studying, only keep the things on your desk that you will absolutely use. Keep things stored in shelves or cupboards to free up space.

Organisation is the key to dorm life, chat to your roommate and work out a list of who brings what to the room. For those of you who are heading to college for the first time, this also doubles as a bonding experience with your roommate. Good luck!!