chloe dawessChloe Dawes (WA) has been involved in hockey for the past five years, cementing her skills as an outstanding hockey talent.

The young star credits her love of the game due to the “thrill of getting goals”, and “being with the team.”

Chloe was drawn to the NSR program because of the opportunity to do “something different”.

She said it was an opportunity to try new things, and “get more involved with the game.”

After recently signing with NSR, Chloe felt immensely excited.

“I never thought I’d get this chance to play over there or anything, I didn’t even think about it,” she said.

Apart from playing hockey at a higher level in the States, Chloe can’t wait to absorb the entire atmosphere America has to offer, including “meeting the people and living there.”

Keep hitting those goals on and off the field, Chloe!