Becca PaneRebecca Pane (VIC), has been playing hockey since Year 7 at school, after watching her brothers play the game.

Although already a competitive swimmer, Becca instantly fell in love with the game.

“I love everything there is to love about hockey,” she said.

“Most of all, I love the team aspect – making friends and sharing that feeling of winning with the people around you.”

Upon receiving a letter from Hockey Victoria in the mail, Becca found out about the program, which would go on to change her life.

“Once I finished reading the letter, I was over the moon. Being able to play overseas was an incredible opportunity that I couldn’t help but snatch up,” she said.

With an ultimate dream of being able to play hockey for America, Becca believes her NSR pathway will make this dream a reality.

“I think this will put my name out there and let me experience my sport in another country, and maybe even one day be picked for an American side,” she said.

Becca hopes to improve her overall skills whilst being in America, and also can’t wait to experience playing her sport “in an amazing place.”