edward goodallNSR’s fantastic new soccer recruit, Edward Goodall is an incredible talent hailing from NSW.

This young player has been developing his craft for years, establishing an intense passion for the game.

“I love playing football as it allows for me to be physically active, as well as develop mental and physical endurance,” he said.

Edward also appreciates the inclusive nature of the game: “I also love that playing football allows everyone of all abilities to come together and learn, and become better all-rounders in all aspects of their life,” he said.

In terms of inspiration, Edward greatly admires EPL team, Crystal Palace Football Club.

“I was brought up in a family with a crazy Palace supporter for a dad, and it has been ingrained into me,” he said.

“As a player, I admire Yannick Bolasie, as he is always a threat when he has the ball at his feet… he is fast and a has a very big presence.”

Edward is extremely excited to pursue an adventure over in America, because of all the opportunities it can provide.

“Over in the America, there are more opportunities to play at a high level of football and also study,” he said.

“I would love to go and live in a different country, and experience the different culture.”

Ultimately, Edward is hoping to first and foremost gain “a good education and degree”, as well as becoming a stellar “all-rounded” footballer.

Edward, we are sure you that with some good effort you will definitely achieve both!