treasure-mapYour first day of college can be one of the most exciting experiences that you will undergo. You will test your ability to step outside of your comfort zone to mingle with future friends, meet lecturers and most importantly, to find your bearings. Navigating colleges the size of a small neighbourhood can be daunting, we’ve got your back with our guide to finding your way around campus!

  1. Get the guide-

Settling in before classes start? Think again! This is your time to figure out your coordinates to your classes. Head over to the school’s student centre to get a map. Circle each class and lecture hall to gain an idea of where everything is!

  1. Check your campus website for an interactive map-

Some maps provide a digital image of the buildings so as to gain a better idea of what each building looks like in real life.

  1. Time to find the classrooms-

Now that you’ve read up on the maps and you’re confident of the direction you’re heading in, set off on an adventure to check out these classrooms. It always pays to take a friend or a roommate to ensure that you have the correct directions, not to mention a little company on the way.

  1. Explore-

Once you feel comfortable with your class, lecture hall navigation, it’s time to explore the hidden sections of the university. Find that garden that no one knows about or the quiet cafe to study. Colleges have a great deal of undiscovered hide-aways. This will set you up for the coming year!

  1. Have fun-

Most importantly…Have fun and enjoy the challenges of navigating your way through college.