dibleyNSR’s own Angus Dibley is busily preparing to fly out to the USA in August, where he will attend William Penn University.Angus took the time out of his busy schedule to reflect with NSR on how this whole incredible experience has changed his life.

Although the exciting journey has already changed him, Angus explained that there’s more change to come. “It’s going to make me more independent I suppose, because I’m not living with my parents. It’s definitely making me more mature, I’ll be doing everything myself and trying to get everything in order. I’m getting very independent and organised. There is so much paperwork to do.”

Angus also explained that since signing with NSR, he has experienced physical changes. “Apart from the two training sessions I have with my actual team, normally I’m doing another two or three a week on top of that, just with myself or dad. It’s definitely given me more determination, a reason to get fitter and put more work in.”

Although the prospect of moving away from family and friends will be a change, Angus looks at the situation positively.“I won’t see my friends and family for a bit, but I’ll have to go over there and make new friends and keep in touch with people I know over here.”

Angus shares that his partnership with NSR has been “really positive”.

“It’s been really easy to talk to the coaches. It’s not like they don’t care, they’re always ready to talk. I don’t feel alone or unwanted, we’re always keeping in touch,” he said.

We are behind you every step of the way, Angus, and we can’t wait for you to have the adventure of a lifetime!