Morgan SudweeksNSR athlete, Morgan Sudweeks (WA) was born in South America, where her mother played hockey for the country when she was younger. As a young girl, Morgan explains she “didn’t like to conform to the “girly” sports”, preferring to “play just as hard as the boys do”. She played soccer in an all-boys team until the age of 11, when she began hockey, much to her mum’s happiness!

The hockey star has been playing in State Champs for three years running, and plays for multiple teams with the women at her club. Morgan lists her acceptance into the NSR program as her greatest sporting achievement so far. “It’s a dream come true for me to be able to not only play hockey full time but also study abroad.”

Morgan recalls the moment of her email acceptance as an amazing experience: “I was at the Perth Aquarium called AQUA with my 2 closest girl friends when I first got the email of acceptance and I just stopped still and read the email with a massive smile on my face as the girls crowded around me to see too, we all celebrated by squeals causing a bit of a scene… and soon after I got a call from my mom who was in tears, which then brought me to my own tears of joy!”

Now, Morgan is realising that her dream of going to America is now a reality. “I cannot wait to have that American College experience that you see and dream about from movies! I cannot wait to make new friends out of all my teammates and getting to know them all while playing a sport that I have such a strong passion about, and studying the degree that I want to make a future out of…. It’s all a dream really!” she said.

In order to give herself the best opportunities possible, Morgan has committed to pushing herself for greatness. “Signing with NSR has definitely made me a much more motivated and driven hockey player on field- every single game I go out trying to perfect a skill that I have been working on to improve. It’s given me a clear goal to strive toward, hockey-wise and academically. I feel as though I have a defined reason to push myself up and beyond to be the best I can be once I finally get to my departure. It has encouraged me to do everything with the thought that College in America is the end result!”

We are so proud of you, Morgan! We can’t wait to see you do amazing things.