Sam WagggWe’re extremely proud to introduce one our star hockey players, Samantha Wagg (VIC)!

Samantha trialed as a Hockey Victoria athlete, and months later, she’s now on her way to The University of Maine, in the states on a partial full scholarship!!

NSR caught up with Samantha to talk about how to deal with those pre-trial jitters!

Why did you decide to attend a trial?
I wanted to go over to America to study, but it was hard to do it on my own. When we saw NSR, we thought it’d be a perfect opportunity to try out to see what would happen, and where it would take me.

Why should people go to trials?
I think they should trial because it’s an amazing opportunity. It’s not something that we get to do here in Australia. If you love your sport, and you want to study, it’s a great opportunity to do both, without limiting one or the other.

What kind of things do you do to prepare for a trial?
With training I kind of try to focus on basic skills more, so they’re all on point for the trials, instead of working on new stuff.

Mentally… you should pump yourself up.

What would you do the night before a trial?
Try to get an early night. That’s really the main thing, otherwise I try not to really change anything too much.

What would you say to other young athletes if they wanted to go overseas?
I’d say to them, definitely go to the trial. Definitely try it out, see where it takes you, because you never know where that could be!

Samantha’s decision to attend a trial has definitely taken her to new and exciting places… and you could have this same experience too! To find out more, head to the following website: