SONY DSCNSR caught up with our athletics superstar, Natasha Fitzpatrick!

Natasha is a multi-talented athlete from Tasmania, specialising in the 3km steeplechase. We asked Natasha what her typical week of training looks like, to get a glimpse into the life of a hardworking sports star!

Monday: A hill session or long reps.

Tuesday: A run of the morning and then a track session in the afternoon.

Wednesday: A tempo run, or long reps with short recovery.

Thursday: Run in the morning and a tack session of the nighttime.

Friday: An easy run, because I normally compete Saturday.

Saturday: Competition.

Sunday: A long run.

When Natasha isn’t training, she is studying Health at La Trobe University. She also loves hanging out with friends.

Keep up the hard work, Natasha!