Going to college can be a really exciting time for those looking to expand their knowledge and grow as a person. What better way to do so than surrounding yourself with like-minded people who share the same interests and passions as you?

How do I do this? It seems so daunting! NSR has the answer for you!  Join a club at college.

Partaking in college clubs and societies allows you to develop and practice skills such as leadership, social, responsibility and teamwork. It is interesting to note that partaking in a college club is looked upon favourably on one’s resume. You have the opportunity to integrate with others operating on a similar thought wavelength as you; thus, allowing for expansion of knowledge beyond the restrictions of the classroom. Finally, and most importantly, you have a unique chance to develop life-long friendships.

Through the NSR program, you will all be partaking in a sporting club; however, integrating into a number of clubs is essential to gain access and understanding in a range of college aspects. We’ve put together a selection of just a few college clubs that are available:


Entrepreneur Society

This society allows undergraduate students to gain an insight into aspects of successful entrepreneurship. Firstly, introducing students into the world of business and allowing students to be adaptable to the workings of this set up environment (Boston College).



Comedy Club

Those students looking to give their funny bone a work out, can join these clubs who put on sketch acts for the rest of the student body. Not every club has to link into your academia!



College Band

Playing at a number of college sporting events and other talent showcase evenings through the year, can allow those who are musically inclined to dust off the instrument and partake in one of these events. In the words of Berthold Auerbach, “Music washed away from the soul the dust of everyday life



National Broadcasting Society

Allow students to try their hand at creating media pieces for the remaining student body. This allows for students to also create lasting connections with the media society (University of Oregon).


Such clubs are designed to engage and evoke your interest, whether it is within your field of study or general interests. Students feeling behind in their studies or feeling confused have the opportunity to enter into clubs so as to gain a better grasp on the field of study.  Students looking to expand their knowledge or skill in an external field of interest can also engage in a club or society.