
NSR sat down with Anne Enright, mother of one of our up and coming soccer athletes, Kieran Enright (WA), to discuss his sporting achievements thus far and her hopes for him as he ventures to the US later this year to chase his sporting dreams.

Raised within an athletic family, Kieran was first introduced to sport at the mere age of two. Playing cricket in the back garden became a favourite past time. This eventually gave rise to a passion in soccer around the age of six. Raising a son to enjoy a healthy and fit lifestyle was a necessity within the Enright household; not only for physical wellbeing, but the development of great organisational skills and a balanced outlook on life.Kieran’s natural talent for soccer was reflected at the young age of 11 when he was approached to join the high school soccer programme, later leading onto the achievement of best and fairest on ground during an interschool soccer tournament.

High school provided a challenging period in the development of Kieran’s soccer career. Balancing high school work with training schedules became a task in itself; however, as Anne discusses, “training acted as downtime between study periods”.

By attending a training session a week and two games of soccer, whilst balancing schooling commitments, Anne tells of Kieran’s goal to reach a harmony between these two prominent aspects in his life. Setting realistic objectives and sticking to a routine is a must considering Kieran’s busy schedule.  Success has been reflected recently when Kieran received 4 club awards for outstanding skills and sportsmanship on the field in 2014.

Looking to the future, and Kieran’s impending trip to the US, Ann speaks for the family when she says how excited she is for the unique opportunity that Kieran has been given “I hope that he learns from his experiences and takes advantage of all opportunities that he is offered”.  Equipped with his great soccer skills, friendly, caring personality and his drive to succeed, Kieran is set up to succeed in his endeavours in the US.

Good luck Kieran!