George 2

We received such a beautiful email from one of our athletes that we had to share it with you all:


I would just like to take this time before I complete my final (and most important) year of studies to thank you for the amazing opportunity you have given me. NSR has been in the back of my head consistently for the past year or so, along with the possibility of playing for a top American college. This has acted as the motivation I needed to push myself both academically and in my sport. Just to update you, last year I completed year 11 and whilst I had a mediocre year in soccer, I achieved highly in my academics.

I once again need to thank you for this as I believe if you had not given me this opportunity I would have no reason to strive for success. I am also checking in to see if there are any tips or guidelines you could provide me for my last year of high school education both in terms of sport and academia. Once again, despite what the future may hold for me as both an athlete and a student, I thank you for the opportunity and motivation you have provided me to improve myself as a person and my life at large.

Thanks, George

At NSR, we were so grateful and called George almost immediately to find out more and thank him for his kind words.

NSR soccer athlete, George Wilson (VIC) was cruising through school until he came to a revelation last year. Once George signed up with NSR, he matured and found purpose to becoming better than the average student and has been smashing life since. With this new found purpose, George has revised his goals and made them more fitting to his new attitude towards life and school. George now plans to achieve an ATAR above 90 and to go to college in the US and work towards achieving a doctorate to become a heart surgeon. At the same time, George plans to make it as far as he can with soccer… WOW!

We have such high hopes for George and believe he will accomplish every goal he sets out to achieve!